Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year, New Blog!

 I hope you have had a very sweet and happy New Year's Day! I spend my New Year's Eve snuggled up on the couch with the hubby watching some man movie he picked out... I read blogs and surfed etsy! None the less I enjoyed my evening, we even got crazy and watched the ball drop! It felt good!
 Today has been a foggy dreary day, a good day to lay around and watch lifetime all day, but who can do that with two little ones running around??? The hubby took Kateley to Gastonia for a purchase to add to his artillery, while Maxie Claire and myself stayed home baked cookies with Nana and cleaned house.
 I have really been in a sewing slump. I just haven't felt eager to get things done until yesterday. I'm not sure if it was the candy cane cast on my foot, or the fact that I didn't get not a ONE of the gifts I wanted to make for the girl's sewn this Christmas! Thank you uneven pavement for the broken bone! But like I said,yesterday and today I have really been kicking it into high gear cleaning out my "to do" basket. I want a clean slate when I start new outfit's this year! I will begin taking orders NOW! So don't all of you come a knocking at once! ;)
This evening I had to share my babies first sewing experience. With the help of my tiny assistant I sewed on a pink collar fit for Pinky the puppy! Kateley loved helping doing all the cutting and pulling the needle out each time! It was VERY sweet to watch! I can't wait for the day she gets her own sewing machine... I told her, "Look Kateley you are sewing on this collar!" and she pointed to the sewing machine and said, "Yeah, but that's real sewing." So sweet and so innocent!

I'm praying for a great start to this new year, thanking God for my family, my home, great friends, our health, a wonderful church, and so much more! What are you looking foward to this year?  And P.S. check back later this week, I will be posting new outfit's, that will make you pinch someone there so cute!!

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