Saturday, March 19, 2011

Put some Spring in that step!

Well it's here... Spring time and all the loveliness that it includes! Blooming flowers, green grass, chirping birds... and allergies. Yep I love Spring, but despise allergies!
Generic Allegra has become my new best friend! I think I'll
make it through, I've already seen the wonderful thin film on the hood of my car.
But hey, next week it could be in the forties or monsoon so I'll keep hope that the pollen 
be destroyed some how!

All this sunshine and lovely sinus pressure has really got me thinking about the clothes that I want to be making and what fabric to use. Currently I buy fabric for each order as needed, just the yardage that the size calls for, which if your familiar with purchasing fabric you know that it cost a truck load when buying a yard here, two there, etc. Which I still don't get cause it's cotton! I want to finish this post tonight, so we'll avoid that soapbox!

I really want to buy multiple bolts of six or seven different fabrics that coordinate and do a "Spring/Summer line". I'm just hesitant because I want to buy fabric that mom's like as well as little girls. I know I can't please everyone's taste, but by George I want to please some of yours! I mean call me crazy but it don't matter if I like it or not, I need people to buy the clothes.

I've been looking at several different manufactures and am drawn to a line called Free Spirit. I found a collection of their fabrics that says,
"I'm Spring! Now make lots of cute clothes out of me!"
Fabric Swatches came from

To me it's beautiful!
To me it has all the right shades of colors!
To me it has enough choices of get alot of different looks!
But that's all to me!
So that's where ya'll, the maybe two or three people who read my blog, come in.
Give me some input people! Please! So if you want to just leave your opinion, and tell me what you like, don't like, or what you would like to see!

Oh, and P.S. I met Pioneer Woman! She was just as sweet in person, and she loved my accent! The "North Carolina" accent... too, too funny!