Saturday, April 23, 2011

He is Risen!

Hey there! And Happy Easter!! I feel so blessed to have spend the day with family that lives out of the state, and around people that make me smile! Being around all that love helps remind me how fortunate we are that on Good Friday our Savior died on the cross for us and will rise again on Easter Sunday! Amazing how He could love each and everyone of us that much to endure the pain and suffering so that you and I could have eternal life with Him one day in Heaven! I'm not sure about you, but how exciting will it be to one day see His face, and the faces of many others I miss dearly.

I have been busy, busy sewing all sorts of new stuff for the show I'm doing this Saturday, April 30 in uptown Shelby. Please come by and show some support to local artists in this town! I'd love to see you!

I designed a new line: Sweet Safari
And let's just say I love these fabrics together! Hopefully I'm not alone on that opinion! Take a look for yourself:

This is the Sweet Safari Apron Dress, available in 6-12months thru girls 9/10.

This is the Sweet Safari Skirt and Tank. Available in 12-18 months thru 5t.

All of these items have been listed on Etsy. Click on over if you are interested in learning more about these

I hope you all have a safe and blessed Easter relaxing and spending time with those close to you. I know I sure will!

1 Peter 1:21 Through Him you believe in God, who raised Him from the dead and glorified Him, and so your faith and hope are in God.

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Hired Help....

This is what models look like that you don't hire, you just bribe em' with orange sherbet:
You just get random faces and poses that consists of the sugar high she's on form those couple of sips of Dr. Pepper at lunch!

But I do love these short overalls, I'm calling Flower Power Overalls. So, so cute, and kid tested and approved! I've got lots more pics of new stuff I'm getting ready to list on Etsy, but we do live in reality, and my two year old is minutes from waking up from her nap I'm sure!

Happy Sunday, I hope you have spent it doing what you love and loving those around you!

No one has ever seen God; but if we love one another, God lives in us and his love is made complete in us.- 1 John 4:12 

Friday, April 8, 2011

Sick and Sew

The past eight days haven't been the best or easiest for my baby! She has been on two different antibiotics, oral steroids, albuterol treatments, cough medicine, allergy meds, two shots of rochephin, and now we are on a steroid that is to be taken through her nebulizer. So needless to say we're tired of doctor's offices, pollen, medicine, and the occasional visits to the local ER. I believe if we had to enter the doors of the ER again Maxie Claire would curse me for life! She's being treated for wheezing, (asthma), pneumonia, and now we possibly have a viral thing making her fever return again! BLAH! Begone germs! POW!

I have missed six of the past seven days of work, and let's just say that's not so good! But baby likes her momma to hold her!! And who can say no to that? Here's a little of what we've been doing here...
Wathcing multiple hours of cartoons, eating lots and I mean lots of cereal, playing photoshoot with her babies, and giving momma the occasional lip!

Even under the weather she's still got some attitude to her! Yesterday I went in and got her up form her nap, as I was taking down her blackout, she said in the sweetest, softtess voice that any cute little angel could use, Mommy, I not your friend. Just like it's normal to verbally bash your loved ones. She had more after that, a little, Your mean mommy, and the some sticking her tounge out at me over and over. Don't you just love steriods???

I have actually got some sewing in, alot for my recent track record. I am planning on having  a booth at the Art on the Square, in conjuction with 

Come check a great bunch of local artist including myself on April 30th, in uptown Shelby! Can't wait, I wanted to give a taste of some things that will be there.

Like I said my sewing room is a hot mess, but it's def. worth it! Hope to see you there!

I started this post at nine this morning, it's now after nine tonight and I've got another one throwing up....let's hope this doesn't spread! :)

Monday, April 4, 2011

Little Bunny Boom Boom

                                        We got out our Easter decorations last weekned...
                                            no were not those people who decorate for
                                                  Christmas beofre Thanksgiving! :)

                                      We have about six pairs of bunny ears so I thought
                                                   why not spend a sunny afternoon
                                                 toruring Boomer with a photo op??!!
                                                      I thought I'd share with ya!

                         First attempt... so ashamed he wouldn't even look at me!

                             Second attempt... someone had to scrtach his "spot"
                             to keep him from going all Cujo on the bunny ears...

                                   Third... well you get the idea... in Boomer's eyes:
                                                        Bunny Ears=Satan!

                                                      This isn't even right mom!

Ahhh... finally a picture the every proud momma
can be happy to print and out in a frame!

We love you Boom Boom! Thanks for being a good sport and
not eating us during our little photoshoot!

Love, Momma